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[ December 27, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Exploring Five Exceptional Python Game Development Libraries Catered to Children

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, empowering children with the right tools to explore and excel in coding has become a critical endeavour. The popularity of coding classes for kids underscores the recognition of coding as a valuable skill and an essential part of a well-rounded education. With its readability, simplicity, and versatility, Python has emerged as an ideal choice for young learners. 

Pygame: A Gateway to Creative Exploration

Best Python Coding Classes often leverage Pygame as a foundational library for teaching game development. Pygame is a set of Python modules meticulously designed for writing video games. Its simplicity and ease of use make it an excellent choice for beginners, especially young minds eager to embark on a coding journey. 

Turtle: Nurturing Creativity Through Code
Best coding classes often turn to Turtle when introducing coding to the youngest learners.
Turtle is not just a library; it’s a captivating experience built into Python. This library is perfect
for teaching kids the fundamentals of programming through the art of drawing. With Turtle,
children can create intricate designs and patterns by providing commands to a virtual turtle on
the screen.

Turtle: Nurturing Creativity Through Code

Best coding classes often turn to Turtle when introducing coding to the youngest learners. Turtle is not just a library; it’s a captivating experience built into Python. This library is perfect for teaching kids the fundamentals of programming through the art of drawing. With Turtle, children can create intricate designs and patterns by providing commands to a virtual turtle on the screen. 

Arcade: Modern Game Development Made Accessible

Arcade is a modern Python framework designed for developing 2D games, making it an excellent choice for coding classes for kids focusing on game development. It provides a user-friendly environment for creating games with smooth graphics and animations. Arcade’s simplicity empowers young learners to focus on the creative aspects of game design while gradually introducing them to more advanced programming concepts. 

Pyglet: Balancing Simplicity with Functionality

For those seeking a library that balances simplicity with functionality, Pyglet is an ideal choice for online coding classes. Pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python, offering features such as image and sound manipulation. It is well-suited for teaching kids the fundamentals of game development, including handling user input, managing resources, and creating engaging gameplay experiences. 

Ren’Py: Coding Meets Creative Writing

While Ren’Py may seem unconventional in a list of game development libraries, it opens up a unique avenue for creative expression. Ren’Py is a visual novel engine that allows users to create interactive stories and games. This addition to the best Python coding classes introduces children to narrative structures, storytelling, and the seamless fusion of coding with creative writing. Ren’Py offers a distinctive approach that enhances coding skills and encourages imaginative thinking and artistic expression.

Additional Topics in Python Game Development:

To provide a more comprehensive understanding of Python game development for children, let’s delve into additional topics that can enhance their learning experience.

Introduction to Game Design Principles

Understanding the basics of game design principles is crucial for aspiring game developers. In the best coding classes for kids, incorporating lessons on user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and level design can give young learners a broader perspective on creating engaging and enjoyable games.

Introduction to Game Design Principles

Understanding the basics of game design principles is crucial for aspiring game developers. In the best coding classes for kids, incorporating lessons on user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and level design can give young learners a broader perspective on creating engaging and enjoyable games.

Showcasing Student Projects

Creating a platform to showcase the projects developed by students in online coding classes can boost their confidence and inspire others. This could include creating a virtual gallery, hosting online exhibitions, or even organizing coding competitions to celebrate the creativity and innovation of young coders.

Exploring 3D Game Development Concepts

Building on the foundation of 2D game development, introducing children to 3D game development concepts can be an exciting next step. Concepts such as three-dimensional graphics, spatial reasoning, and physics simulations can be introduced gradually to provide a more comprehensive understanding of game development.


In conclusion, Python game development libraries offer a captivating entry point for children to explore the world of coding. By incorporating additional topics such as game design principles, collaborative projects, gamification, showcasing student work, and exploring diverse Python frameworks, the best Python coding classes can provide a comprehensive and enriching learning experience.

As we continue to nurture the next generation of coders, let’s embrace creativity, collaboration, and innovation in the exciting realm of Python game development for children. Happy coding!


A child’s mind! Bend it like David Bechham did on soccer ground. Bend your child’s mind into Python game development through our detailed Python coding classes, enroll today by viting . We are a call away at +91 88889 98636 or send us email at

blogcoding classesDigital
[ May 6, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Unlocking Creativity: How Coding Enhances Critical Thinking in Kids

Coding has quickly become an essential skill in today’s globalized world, providing students with a pathway to understanding computers and software while also developing critical thinking abilities in kids.

Coding fosters creativity, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills that all contribute to critical thinking – making coding an essential learning experience!

Here are some of the ways that coding can enhance critical thinking in kids:

Encourages problem-solving skills

Coding is the practice of breaking a complex problem down into smaller, manageable pieces. Students must think logically when approaching these tasks, identify the source of a problem and break it into manageable chunks before searching for solutions to find an efficient resolution. Coding helps kids develop analytical thinking while teaching systematic problem-solving approaches and encourages critical thinking skills.

Develops logical thinking skills

Coding requires students to think logically and understand the cause-and-effect relationship between each line of code and its results. Logical thinking enables kids to analyze a problem, understand it better, and find possible solutions – skills that can transfer over to other areas, such as decision-making and problem-solving.

Encourages creativity

Coding can foster creativity among kids as it forces them to think creatively. Students must use their imaginations and creative thinking skills to develop unique solutions which may benefit other aspects of life. Coding also gives children an outlet to express themselves uniquely – an activity that may increase participants’ confidence and self-esteem levels.

Enhances communication skills

Coding requires kids to communicate their code to others, which improves their communication skills and builds their collaborative abilities. Coding allows kids to demonstrate their ideas effectively when trying to solve problems and collaborate effectively – an ability useful throughout life for school projects, job interviews and interpersonal relationships.

Develops persistence and resilience

Coding requires patience, persistence and resilience from its students. Students must be willing to test multiple solutions until they find what works. Coding teaches children the value of persistence and resilience that can be applied across many aspects of their life, including academics, sports or any other activities they might pursue.

Teaches attention to detail

Coding requires students to pay careful attention to detail, an essential critical thinking skill. Students must read each line of code and check for accuracy before moving forward, teaching children the value of meticulous and precise work, which will serve them in academics and their careers.

Encourages collaboration

Coding fosters teamwork. Students must collaborate to solve problems and complete projects, teaching them how to work cooperatively while effectively communicating with others – skills crucial for success across many areas of life, from schoolwork and work relationships to personal relationships.

Choose wisely now!

Coding can be an excellent way for kids to sharpen their critical thinking abilities. Coding encourages problem-solving, logical reasoning, creativity, communication, persistence, attention to detail and collaboration skills in kids.

Online coding classes for kids can also be loads of fun! They’ll learn to make games, animations, websites and apps with assistance from an experienced teacher while using programming languages like JavaScript, Python and HTML to code everything!

The best coding classes allow children to develop essential coding skills, leading them toward technology careers.

[ March 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Different Methods To Improve Kids’ Creativity

You may feel frustrated when fostering your children’s creativity as a parent. How can you help bring out the innovative and artistic minds of your little ones? Fortunately, there are many methods that you can use to encourage your children to be more creative and explore their unique talents!

From fun activities like drawing and storytelling to simple exercises like brainstorming, these techniques will help unlock your kids’ natural imaginations and give them the confidence to think outside the box. Also, online hobby classes are a great way to get your kids on the right path. Read on to learn about different methods to improve your kids’ creativity.

Encourage play and imagination

Encourage children to use their imaginations by engaging in free play, pretend play, drawing, and writing stories. Give them time to create and explore through art, music, drama, dance, and other creative outlets. Provide open-ended materials that allow kids to think outside the box and express themselves freely. Ask questions that prompt them to use their imagination and develop unique solutions. Show interest in their ideas and encourage them to keep exploring new things.

Provide diverse experiences and opportunities for exploration

Allow children to explore various topics and disciplines inside and outside the classroom. Take them on field trips or arrange visits from experts in unique fields. Promote them to try different hobbies, sports, and extracurricular activities. Expose them to different cultures and introduce them to people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Boost them to question the world around them and discover new passions.

Allow for experimentation and mistakes

Encourage your kids to get creative with their ideas and be willing to accept failure. Enable them to take risks and think outside the box, even if it doesn’t always work. Don’t chastise them for making mistakes, but rather help them learn from those mistakes and develop another idea that may be more successful. Provide resources for exploration like art supplies, books, or even excursions to new places.

Foster a supportive and non-judgmental environment

Surround children with positive reinforcements and constructive feedback rather than criticism or harsh judgments. Give them the freedom to express their ideas and opinions without fear of being judged or criticized. Help them understand that everyone has unique thoughts and perspectives that should be respected. Encourage collaboration over competition and teach kids about kindness, understanding, and mutual respect.

Offer open-ended prompts and challenges

For kids looking to flex their creative muscles, open-ended prompts and challenges are a great way to kick-start the imaginative process. Rather than giving them a specific task or end goal, such as drawing an animal or creating a story, challenge them to think outside the box and come up with something unique. Ask questions like, “What would your dream house look like?” or “If you could invent a new type of food, what would it be?” These prompts allow children to explore different ideas and create truly original work.

Encouraging them to break away from traditional methods and think outside their comfort zone can spur incredible new concepts they wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Search for hobby classes near me on Google and find the best institute

[ October 16, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Reasons why cooking is considered an ideal hobby

Cooking can be considered an art just like any other activity which requires skills and expertise. In this new age busy world, people don’t really have the time to cook at home and hence end up buying food at restaurants or street shops. This practice of buying food daily from outside is not good for your health.


Love to Cook???


Consider cooking as a hobby and then Imagine having your favourite people around you, enjoying food that you’ve made from scratch. Isn’t that the most wholesome feeling? Once you find the right way to do it and the one that works best for you, Cooking can be a great hobby.

Here are some reasons why you should take up cooking as a hobby:


  1. Helps in staying Healthy: One of the best things about preparing your own meals is that you can stay healthy by avoiding the purchase of outside food daily. We can make sure that there are no preservatives or hidden fillers that are often included in ready-made dishes. Healthier choices such as incorporating less salt, substituting meats for vegetables and so forth, in our daily meals becomes easy once you start preparing your own meals.
  2. It is an important life skill: It should be the responsibility of schools to impart knowledge to the students to make them lead successful independent lives once they are done with schooling. It is not just for girls to cook. In today’s era, where everyone demands equality, cooking is a skill every person should learn. Some schools have started life skills period to teach students at least the basics of cooking and teach them easy recipes.
  3. Brings family together: Everyone loves a good home cooked meal. It’s important for older people to meet their family members as they might feel lonely. Cooking is a hobby many old people continue doing selflessly for their families. Sometimes Cooking even becomes a family activity. Children can be taught the ingredients and can even help in setting up the table. Another way of engaging them is by asking them to read out the recipe to the one who’s cooking. Food encourages talk and positivity.
  4. Saves money: There is no guarantee that each meal you cook will always be cheaper in comparison to a restaurant or store-bought food, it will always end up saving you money in the long run. This is because the money you spend in buying ingredients can be used multiple times at home to cook different meals. Whereas using the money, you’ll be able to purchase only a single meal. One can also save by bringing home-cooked leftovers to work instead of eating out for lunch.
  5. Confidence Booster and improves creativity: A person lacking confidence should definitely try cooking. Perfecting several different recipes from across the world gives you a chance to prove yourselves. This even helps you to showcase your “work” to friends and family. Cooking isn’t an easy task, itis a challenge. All it requires is some courage and determination to learn and a love for food.
  6. Create individual identity: If you cook well, then you get lot of appreciation that boost up your confidence. Hence, cooking helps in boosting up the confidence and improves your social presence. Many famous chefs choose cooking as their hobby and later ended up pursing cooking as their career.

 Hence, learning to cook is a very rewarding activity which everyone must learn. It helps you become and feel like a better person. One can join hobby classes to master this skill.

So, let’s get started with our online hobby classes!

[ September 28, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

A Journey From Hobby To Career

Are you tired of your monotonous 9-5 job and looking forward to following your passion?


The desire to love your job may be, in some cases, the result of luck, but in others may be the result of necessity, convenience, or even the lure of a large salary.

“What do you love to do?”

The answers of a majority of people to this question will be “OUR HOBBIES.” If you are one of them, it might be time to switch your hobbies to a full-time career.

Transitioning your after-hour hobby to your full-time grind is not an easy task. So before landing with both feet, consider the following things.


Ask Yourself, “WHY?”

Why are you looking forward to this transition? Is it just because your boss overloaded you with work this weekend, and you want to resign? Or because you want an income without an effort? Or is it because you are genuinely passionate about it?

You need to understand that this path will be full of challenges. Hence if you are willing to put your heart and soul into it, you should reconsider taking such a big step on your career path.


Ask yourself if you will still enjoy your hobby

Once you turn into a professional, your hobby won’t remain your hobby anymore. The responsibilities and expectations that come with a job are different. The activity you use as an escape will become an obligation.

If you are nervous about making your hobby a job or are concerned that doing so might erode your passion for it, you might want to keep it as a hobby.


Is your hobby or passion a reflection of a value you hold dear?

Though your job can fulfill your needs, the values truly complete your life. So it is crucial to determine whether your hobbies or passion are aligned with your deep-seated values.


Are you persistent enough to realize your dreams?

As we enjoy our favorite pastimes, we love to daydream and imagine what might have been. A massive dose of persistence is needed daily to turn your dreams into reality. So ensure that you have the level of dedication that is required in the journey.


Be ready to face criticism.

Your friends, family, significant other, and children will give you opinions and advice about your endeavors. Making your hobby into your career can involve dealing with positive and negative feedback.


What are your chances of making money?

Income is one of the essential aspects of the transition. Majority of people stuck to a job for financial stability. Is your hobby going to generate enough income for you to survive? What steps can you take if that is not the case, and what might you be able to do to keep yourself and your family afloat?

A financial advisor, an accountant, or a family member can help you solve this problem. You must consult someone who can guide you to understand your alternatives and probable growth prospects better.


Train Yourself

Hobbies do not require you to be an expert, but a career does. Once you have made up your mind to switch your career path to something you love, it is necessary for you to acquire the skill set required to enter the market. Hence start working on improving yourself.


So these are a few tips you must keep in mind before moving towards the life you are passionate about.

If you are still confused about what you love to do, we are here for you. We provide you with hobby class facilities so that you can decide what to pursue. We provide special training and counseling sessions for you to understand what is best for you.

[ December 3, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Unleash the power and need of hobby classes | Younker, an activity class in Pune

“When your life brings you down, your hobbies bring you up!!”

Hobbies are a most crucial part of our lives and help us grow as a person. In the chaotic world, a hobby helps you relax your mind and be more productive. 

Having a hobby is very necessary for an individual to grace themselves. A hobby can help you in starting a small business and building some passive income by selling your skills and talents to the public. 

Don’t get stressed out if you don’t have a hobby. A hobby can be developed or learned deliberately with the help of online hobby classes. Once you get good enough at it, you can transform that hobby or that co curricular activities into a business. 

While I am talking about hobbies and passion, I would be extremely happy to present to you a beautiful example of a hobby turned into passion that adds happiness, satisfaction and money in your life. 


“One day, I was roaming on the roads in Pune. I saw something that melted my heart. 

A man on the roads of Pune, with a guitar in his hands was so passionate about singing and mesmerizing people with his voice. He was so energetic, his melodious voice was overthrowing the noise of traffic, vehicles and buzz around the roads.

Need of hobby classes, Younker, an activity class in Pune

His happiness while singing was reflecting his love for singing. He was enjoying the singing and entertaining the people.

Arguably, singing might have been a hobby for him once and now he is so passionate about it.
He performs there every evening. I got to know that he used to perform at weddings, parties and concerts, etc. singing was his passive source of income.”


I know this story left you overwhelmed, how someone can be so passionate about something. Believe me that, a few such gems are hidden inside yourself. You just need to discover those with the help of online hobby classes in Pune. 

All your co curricular activities & hobbies can be nourished with the help of your hobby classes in pune and may become an expert under the proper guidance of a mentor. There are many hobby classes in Pune and there’s no limit to the number of hobbies you can choose. Younker Activity Hub offers different hobby classes for different age groups. Following is the list of those hobby classes and programmes in Pune by Younker Activity Hub,

#1. Music classes in Pune

  • Guitar classes
  • Keyboard classes
  • Vocal classes
  • Flute classes
  • Tabla classes


#2. Yoga & Fitness classes in Pune

  • Yoga classes
  • Chair Yoga classes
  • Kids Yoga classes
  • Zumba classes
  • Aerobics classes


#3. Culinary Arts classes in Pune

  • Cake baking classes
  • Salad making workshop
  • Chocolate making workshop
  • Microwave cooking workshop
  • Baking workshop
  • Cookies workshop
  • Soup & Salad workshop
  • Vegetable carving


#4. Language Learning classes in Pune

  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Spoken English classes
  • Chinese
  • Japanese


#5. Dance classes in Pune

  • Bollywood
  • Kathak
  • Bharatnatyam

#6. Theater and Drama classes in Pune

#7. Robotics

#8. Chess


You’ve multiple options to continue out of these hobby classes. The significance of hobby classes cannot be underestimated. Hobby classes have the power to change your personality completely, to make you so energetic and confident. Now, the biggest concern arises here is, Is there any other reason to join hobby classes? 

Here are the reasons that explain the importance of giving space to hobbies in life. 


1. Co curricular activities explore the hidden talent

All of us are born with some set of unique skills and talents. Some have already identified those abilities and few if us are unable to do that due to some personal and social reasons. 

Hobby classes help you to identify those hidden talents in yourself to bring a change in life, a ray of happiness and so much more.


2. Hobby classes harness the skills

We have hobbies in our small or young age. With some course of time, those hobbies transform into full-fledged skills. 

The developed skills with the help of hobby classes become a source of income. The good news is, you can make a livelihood out of them. 

For example, If someone is very good at dancing, he/she can use his/her dancing skills to run a small business of conducting workshops, taking live dancing sessions, opening a dance school to train more talents. 


3. Add a new dimension to your life

Life nowadays has been very boring & chaotic. The life of every human has been limited to mobile devices, web browsers, trading and gaming. In this hustle and bustle, you have lost yourself. 

You have forgotten the things that give you pleasure. Hobby classes and performing activities there gives a new dimension of life and makes you feel pleasant. 


4. Hobby classes increases the confidence

It feels great to be skilled and good at something and that feeling builds confidence. As I mentioned earlier, it takes time, effort and guidance to transform a hobby into a skill. 

But the process of building a skill is itself a rewarding one. With the exposure of different activities, you have an option to choose any of the activities to continue. So that you can also boost your confidence to the next level by carrying something different.


5. Allows you to have a stable mental health

Mental health has been a new normal of everyone’s life. Every second person is suffering from mental disorders. The superficial reasons for these are, business, relationships, money concerns and much more. 

But the core reason revolves around, Not giving an ample amount of time to themselves. Hobby classes synchronize your mind, body and soul.

While being a part of hobby classes help you to steal some time out of your busy schedule to rejuvenate yourselves again. You create your own world to lose in. It makes you happier, relaxed, light and keep you away from mental disorder

This is one of the biggest reasons to join hobby classes right now.


Wait! Wait!! Wait!!!

We know that you’ve known the importance of joining a hobby class but you’re very excited to start from now itself. But, you need to leave this because we have brought hobby classes here only. 

Younker Activity Hub is one the best hobby classes in Pune that helps in nourishing your skills. Join one Younker Activity Hub today and start making a happy life with what you love the most. 

We are waiting for you to be an amazing member of Younker Activity Hub, an online hobby class in Pune.

[ December 3, 2021 by admin 0 Comments ]

Benefits of Hobby classes | Why should you go for Hobby classes?

 “Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby”

                      ~George Bernard Shaw

There are many benefits of hobby classes which an individual can should enjoy by joining the hobby classes. Let’s go through the basic of “Hobby”, “What are hobbies?”, “hobby classes benefits” and many more.

“What are your hobbies?”, a popular question we come up with very often in our classes, schools, meetings, interviews etc. And, the biggest dilemma was, what to answer. During those days, we weren’t familiar with the descriptive term hobby. 

Let’s understand, what is a hobby?


Hobby classes in pune






According to Google Guru, “An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure”. Any activity that helps in relieving stress and gives extreme pleasure and happiness can be considered a hobby. For example Dance, Singing, Drama & Theater, Guitar, Yoga, Chess, etc are some common hobbies that people hold on to. 

Benefits of hobby classes are really unbelievable which have the power to improve your life drastically. Few of the them are listed below,

  • Keeps you happy and engaged
  • Hobbies make you more interesting 
  • Provide a space to connect with new people and allow to foster your social network and socializing skills
  • It boosts self-esteem and confidence to grow in other areas of your life
  • Relieves stress 

We are born with some hidden gems, and hobbies are the best way to dig out those gems. Do you have a hobby till now? If YES, then it’s great. Don’t be panicked if you don’t possess any hobby as it can be easily learnt. Here’s the list of 5 outstanding hobbies to learn in your spare time and later on, you can even make a living out of those. 


#5. Guitar, the secret of stable mental health


Guitar classes in Pune







Playing the Guitar is an extremely satisfying and enjoyable hobby. Few people learn Guitar Just to look cool and attractive because playing the Guitar impacts your personality. It can be a reason to make someone fall in love with you, just like it happens in movies. Many Pune College students search on Google, “Guitar classes in Pune”, “Guitar classes near me” and many other things, just to join Guitar classes and be cool. Well, I am kidding, this shouldn’t be your ultimate goal. 


Playing the Guitar opens the doors to creativity. In the initial days, it may be a difficult job but with the course of time and rigorous practice, one can easily master it. A few skills like Playing the Guitar need the patience to earn some better and effective results.

Playing the Guitar has immense benefits and a few of them are listed below,

  • It acts as a stress reliever 

Playing the Guitar gives a calming effect to your mind, body and soul. This calming effect settles down the hustle-bustle going inside your mind, lowers down Blood pressure, decreases the heart rate and ultimately lowers the rate of anxiety and depression. 

This leaves you relaxed after a busy and tiring working day overloaded with client meetings, work deadlines and other problems. 

  • It boosts your confidence

Once you learn to play the guitar, you start feeling the aura of music around you. You enjoy the music you create and produce with your beautiful fingers. Regular practice helps boost your confidence to present your art to the whole universe. 

It also improves self-esteem due to the sense of mastery and control. 

  • It cultivates the creativity inside you

Creating your own is itself a big task. In order to create the best, you have to create, you have to do something different than the whole world is listening to. 

Playing the Guitar opens the senses of your mind and causes your brain to function in creative ways.

If you want to join Guitar classes in Pune then Younker Activity Hub is the best choice. We have arranged many guitar classes for kids and adults.


#4. Yoga, the energy booster for your body


Yoga classes in Pune







Yoga and meditation help in synchronizing your mind, body and soul, which affects your life desperately and brings everything you want to achieve in your life. 

Yoga is the best practice to boost the energy level in your body. Therefore, Yoga can be very helpful for those who are too lazy to exercise or work out and there are many benefits of Yoga for kids. It improves your body strength and flexibility. In India, the sages have been practising and promoting this art of living. Many best yoga classes in Pune are promoting the exposure of Yoga but it is YOU who should understand the benefits of Yoga.

After knowing the benefits of Yoga, You’ll hardly be able to say NO to Yoga. 

  • It keeps you healthy 

Yoga prevents chronic diseases like weak immune systems and several types of aches. Yoga has the power to do the magic that medications can’t. Although the massive civilization has introduced many extraordinary things Yoga has been showing its magic for centuries. 

This is going to be a new lifestyle for most people. Being healthy is the biggest benefit of Yoga for kids and adults.

  • It maintains the physical and mental balance

A balance is very crucial in every life sector, be it the balance in personal life or professional life or your health. Yoga helps in maintaining a balance between two, physical or mental health.

  • Yoga helps you maintain the beauty and charm

Yoga helps in detoxifying the body from harmful toxins. As a result of the detoxification, Yoga becomes the secret of your beauty and charm.

So, if you want to be more glowing than now then start practicing yoga daily. Because Yoga is the secret of your charming face. 


#3. Dance to keep the body active


Dance classes in Pune







Who doesn’t like to dance? There would be a rare person who doesn’t want to enjoy the dancing. Dancing is an enjoyable activity and hence, that can be considered as the biggest reason that everyone loves dancing. Whenever you feel bored, keep the work aside, turn on the speaker volume and enjoy dancing.


Even science has also proved that dancing releases dopamine which brings joy and happiness. This hobby course can be an earning source for you in future. There are many dance forms such as classical dance, Bharatanatyam, Kathak classes Pune, hip-hop, etc. Let’s leverage the benefits of dancing:

  • Keeps you physically and mentally active

Dancing improves posture and flexibility, lifts your mood and relieves anxiety. 

  • It enhances your self-esteem and confidence 

Dancing allows you to socialize more to build new connections and develop creative and physical skills. New people and connections bring some opportunities and learning for you to foster in life.  Achievements in your Dance competitions help you build confidence and self-esteem and both skills stay with you in every other aspect of life. 

  • It fills your heart with joy

As we have studied earlier, dancing is a joyful activity that fills you with pleasure. Dancing makes you forget your problems and allows you to live in and enjoy the present.

Search on Google for “dance classes near me”, “Classical dance classes near me”, “Kathak classes Pune” and enjoy your hobby of dancing or click on this Link, to redirect yourself to the best dance class in Pune. 


#2. Culinary arts


Culinary classes in Pune







If you’re not familiar with the word Culinary, let me explain it to you. Culinary simply means “related to cooking”. Culinary Art programs allow one to become a professional chef by learning the required skills and knowledge. 

It gives the whole idea about everything that comes in the kitchen. From how to cook food to how to run a kitchen effectively. 

The culinary arts also allow you to create new dishes. Isn’t that fascinating enough to experiment with ingredients and to cook something new? Imagine, what you cook is being loved by everyone, you’re known everywhere for that dish. That would be a different feeling where you would be known for your creativity and skills. You might be invested in multiple reward functions, competitions, etc. 

The perks of Culinary arts are unbelievable,

  • Get the explore different cultures

Wherever you go, you’ll find the food is inclined towards the culture. By studying Culinary arts, you’ll understand how different dishes are being made in different cultures of the world.
Being knowledgeable about the ingredients and the history of any dish is itself a hack to win the heart of your people. 

  • Opportunity to travel across the globe

Culinary art programs help in being a professional chef and provide you with certification that is valid across the world. Rather than spending your whole life in the streets of local restaurants, go for the highly renowned restaurants in the world.

  • Learn from professionals

Culinary is an art and skill. The more you learn from others, the more you’ll be skilled at it. Instead of learning from one chef in a restaurant, learn from highly skilled professional chefs.

This learning can influence your culinary future in a drastic way. 


#1. Chess, the game of kings








Chess is considered as ‘the game of kings’. Chess has been a dominant game in the life of royal kings and politicians. This helps them to make better decisions in the battleground. This increases analytical thinking and decision making power. 

In history, the game was played with the purpose of building political strategy. Well, History is proof of the importance of playing chess. We shouldn’t miss this outstanding hobby that can help in business and life challenges. Learning chess as a Hobby and joining chess classes in pune will improve your IQ.

  • It makes you smarter

Chess improves the IQ level. Chess games force your mind to make certain logical decisions and smart moves in order to win the game. 

  • It improves analytical thinking and concentration ability

In such a competitive environment, it is very difficult to concentrate on your next solid move against your competitor. It forces your mind to come up with multiple solutions for a single problem and then find the best solution out of those. 

  • It increases the decision-making ability

Chess is a game of decisions. Not only the decision of making the next move but also to make plenty of other decisions for example how to manage the time. Chess is a game of hidden gems, you must learn this hobby. 

In today’s era, everything has its pros and cons. It is a hobby that has pros only. Whomsoever you meet in the world, talk to them about hobbies. You’ll find that more than 90% of people have hobbies and those hobbies are the major source of their happiness. 

If you’re seeking something to enjoy yourself and that can add some spices of joy to your life then going for a hobby would be the best decision. If you have the willpower then you can easily learn a hobby. 

For your help let me tell you that, Younker Activity hub provides plenty of hobbies to learn. Younker Activity offers the best hobby classes in Pune. It is a group of all classes such as Guitar classes in pune, best yoga classes in Pune, Chess classes in Pune, dance classes, etc. Let’s bring some joy and happiness to your life by chasing the immense potential of your skills in the hobby classes.


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