[ January 25, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

How language courses can provide more career opportunities

Are you interested in broadening your career opportunities by learning a foreign language? For many, the thought of taking on the challenge of mastering a new language can be daunting. But with the right support and guidance, anyone can learn a new language and open up more job prospects.

At YOUNKER, our online language classes offer an engaging and rewarding experience for learners at all levels. With our expert tutors, supportive online community, and highly customized courses, we are committed to helping you develop your language skills and increase your job prospects.

Through our courses, you will gain valuable knowledge about the culture and customs of the language you are learning and the vocabulary and grammar essential for understanding and speaking it. Our courses go beyond simply teaching students how to read and write; they enable learners to think critically and express themselves in their new language.

So if you’re looking to take your career to the next level by expanding your linguistic skills, look no further than YOUNKER’s language course offerings!


How language courses can provide more career opportunities

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to expand your career opportunities and increase your earning potential. With 6 languages to choose from – French, Spanish, German, English, Chinese and Japanese – you can open yourself up to a world of new possibilities in almost any field. From international business to travel and tourism, knowledge of one or more foreign languages can help you take your career prospects to the next level.


Language skills will also give you a competitive edge over other candidates when applying for jobs. Many employers always look for bilingual or multilingual employees who can interact with customers, clients, and colleagues from different countries or cultures. Learning a language also provides wider access to job opportunities abroad and in locales with diverse populations.

Proficiency in a foreign language also allows you to understand better other cultures, their history, and customs, deepening your understanding, respect, and appreciation for diversity. Additionally, it may even help you land that perfect job – after all, most employers are looking for qualified applicants who bring something extra to the table.

Finally, learning a foreign language provides mental stimulation and helps sharpen cognitive skills like problem-solving and critical thinking. Language courses provide an excellent opportunity to exercise the brain and improve communication.

With so many great benefits, it’s clear why investing in a language course can hugely benefit your career!


Examples of Career Opportunities Enabled by Language Courses

Learning a new language can open up job opportunities in the hospitality, tourism, international business, and education industries. Those with language skills are well-positioned to work in global sales, marketing, and customer service. Language proficiency is also essential if you’re interested in a career in diplomacy or intelligence.

Additionally, having a command of multiple languages can be beneficial in fields such as translation, interpretation, research, journalism, and teaching. You can gain the skills and knowledge needed to pursue these exciting career paths and reach your long-term goals by taking language courses.



With the right language course, like the ones offered by YOUNKER, you can learn a language at your own pace and in your own time.

YOUNKER offers high-quality language courses that are perfect for both beginners and those with some basic language knowledge. You’ll be able to develop your skills while learning the fundamentals of the language from experienced instructors.

With YOUNKER’s foreign language classes online, you’ll gain the confidence to communicate effectively in a foreign language, allowing you to explore careers worldwide and take advantage of the many professional opportunities that await you. Start learning right away.


[ January 12, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Best Extra Curricular Activities Your Kids Should Take Up In 2023

In 2023, kids should take advantage of exciting extracurricular activities. These activities help children learn and grow meaningfully, build lasting friendships, and explore their interests.

From sports teams to performing arts classes, there are so many fun and rewarding activities to choose from. And with various age-appropriate options, parents can find safe and enjoyable activities for their kids.

This article will look at some of the best extracurricular activities for kids in 2023. We’ll also discuss choosing the right activities for your child and why they are important for their development. So let’s get started!

1. Get Creative: Explore Arts and Crafts!


Do you want your kids to get creative and express themselves in new ways? Then arts and crafts activities are the perfect way to do it!

From painting, drawing, and sculpting to photography, woodworking, and even making jewelry, many options can help kids explore their creative side.

They will have fun experimenting with different mediums and develop important skills like problem-solving, fine motor control, and spatial awareness. They’ll also learn more about history, culture, and art appreciation.

art and craft classes

2. Build Those Foundations: Boost Science and Math Skills

Science and math skills are essential for success in the modern world, so why not give your kids a head start by helping them build those foundations?

Math games, science experiments, and robotics courses are all great ways to introduce your children to science and mathematics and get them excited about learning.

Not only will these activities help to boost their cognitive abilities and understanding of key concepts, but they’ll also expose them to valuable hands-on experiences that can help give them confidence as they progress through the school years. science and math skills

3. Get Moving: Dancing Classes

In 2023, getting your kids to stay active and build physical strength can be as easy as signing them up for a fun dance class. Dance classes are a great way to encourage healthy movement while building coordination and boosting confidence.

Kids will learn various dances, from hip-hop to ballet, allowing them to explore diversity in music and cultures worldwide. Not only that, but dancing is a great way to relieve stress and have fun with friends! online dance classes

4. Music Classes

Learning to play an instrument or sing is not only an enjoyable activity but also encourages creativity and introduces kids to different types of music. It’s also a great way for kids to express themselves and develop discipline.

Plus, playing music together with friends can help foster strong friendships. From classical piano to guitar lessons, there are many instruments to choose from that can give your child the opportunity to find their voice.

5. Online Classes 

With technology taking over the classroom in 2023, online classes are the perfect way for your children to learn without leaving their homes.

There are plenty of exciting classes, such as coding for kids, robotics, 3D animation, game design, and more! These classes will help your children gain valuable knowledge while having fun in a safe environment.

Final words

Extra curricular activities such as sports, music, art, and coding for kids can offer kids a variety of exciting opportunities for learning and personal growth in the coming years.

These activities can help kids develop skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity, while also allowing them to make new friends and explore interests that they may not have even known they had.

So consider introducing your child to some of these engaging after-school activities today!


[ December 15, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Benefits of Online Music lessons That You Didn’t Expect

As we all know, technology is advancing today, online learning becomes an increasingly popular alternative to traditional face-to-face meetings for people of all ages and backgrounds. Online music instruction, specifically, has allowed students to learn an instrument through web-based interactions with teachers without geographical restrictions. Online music lessons are a great way to employ your free time and learn how to play an instrument or sing. This can also play an important role in our hobbies by providing new outlets for art and creativity and personal expression.

Learning instrument playing through online music lessons is a great way of developing your own creativity. And there are great benefits in choosing a new instrument online with a live teacher. So, here we discussed some of the benefits of online music instruction:

  1. Availability of quality teachers: The availability and the convenience of the Internet provides students with more options to choose from when looking for a music teacher because they are not restricted to any local region. Most of the time students are not able to attain their full potential due to a lack of knowledgeable teachers in the locality. Learning online music will help you select your teacher or courses as per your wish, not based on the nearest location but on the talent and knowledge of the teacher.
  2. Practice immediately after the class: This is one of the greatest advantages of online music learning, one can practice what you have learned immediately after the class when the memory is fresh, the learning environment is set and energy levels are high. This highly productive time is usually wasted by traveling if you are attending an offline class.
  3. Recorded lessons: This is also a big advantage of online music instruction. You may always refer back to the recorded online lessons for your future reference which is not possible while learning at offline classes. This generally solves a lot of problems related to repeating topics at physical classes to get a clear-cut understanding.
  4. Convenience: Unlike in-person meetings, online music lesson students avoid commuting to and from a music store or their teacher’s home. Accordingly, commuting time saved by students can be put to better use doing homework or attending to other matters. In addition to this, with online lessons, teachers can send out reminders about forgotten lessons, and soon after the student and teacher can connect.
  5. Increased student performance online: A study shows that students learn 22% more effectively in an online class as compared to an offline class. This can be defined as you learn the content of 5 offline classes in just 4 online sessions.
  6. Warm up before the class: Before class, you can warm up and be prepared by recalling previous class topics. This will let you learn more rather than wasting time going over previous topics during the class. Also, this lets students show the skills practiced over the week in the best way instead of playing with limping and uneasy limbs.

Hope these benefits help you to make your decision. Online music learning has obtained such a huge momentum at a global level. We also would like to inform you we are not criticizing learning in offline classes. It has its benefits too if you get a good teacher. But if you compare the overall online and offline music learning environment, learning music online has better and more advantages and stands as a clear winner.

So, what are you waiting for, if you want to join online music classes, join our platform Younker Activity Hub and get experienced teachers where you can learn your favorite instrument.


[ November 21, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

5 Most Frequently Spoken Languages Worldwide

Have you ever wondered what the most widely spoken languages are in the world? There are currently over 7000 languages in the world, in which more than half of the population speaks 23 of them only.

It is essential to know this information if you are planning a global expansion strategy and leveling up in the business world. Additionally, knowledge of more than one language benefits us both ways whether in the workplace or in personal development as it offers us new horizons and the opportunity to expand our cultural understanding.

Here are the 5 languages which are most frequently used in the world:
  1. Chinese: Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. There are 1.3 billion native speakers, of whom roughly 1.1 billion speak Mandarin. It’s an official language of mainland China, Singapore, and Taiwan. This language is one of the six official languages of the United States. Mandarin is a tonal language, which means the meaning of a word changes based on the way we pronounce it. Learn Chinese language
  2. Spanish: Spanish is the most studied language in the world. There are 22 countries over 4 continents whose official language is Spanish. This language is related to French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. Spanish is the easiest and most accessible foreign language for English speakers to learn
  3. English: English is the largest language in the world for both native and non-native speakers. Like Latin or Greek, English is the universal language of today. This is the default language in international business, technology, tourism and much more. The English language belongs to Germanic family, a sub-family of Indo-European. This language is related to German, Dutch, and Frisian. English is analogous to opportunity and a better quality of life.
  4. Japanese: Japanese is a language isolate and one of the world’s major languages, with more than 127 million speakers in the early 21st century. This language is primarily spoken throughout the Japanese archipelago; there are some 1.6 million Japanese immigrants and their descendants living abroad, mainly in North and South America, who have varying degrees of proficiency in Japanese. You could speak at a conversational level in Japanese in about 3 months with consistent studying and speaking.
  5. French: French has been considered the language of culture. French language belongs to the Romance family. This language is related to Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. A fun fact about French language is that about 45% of English words are of French origin. There are 77 million native speakers and 203 non-native speakers of French. This language is relatively easy to learn for English speakers.Learn French Language

Besides these languages, German, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, and Russian are also the most spoken languages in the world. People love to learn these languages which just not only benefit you in your business world or workplace but only it develops your personality. To learn languages like English, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Japanese you can start learning with us by getting enrolled at our online language classes.


[ November 14, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Best tips for Learning a New Languages

Many people don’t know where to begin while learning a new language. After all, there are a plethora of things to discover. They want to guarantee that they get off to the right start. Certain items are more crucial to learn than others; therefore, having a learning strategy is beneficial. However, this can also be a double-edged sword because some people never start because they are unsure where to begin. Instead of wasting time searching for the ideal solution, more time could have been spent learning the language. Start as soon as possible because anything you know is a step on the right path! But we also think that particular facets of language learning should be emphasized. In this article, we’ll discuss a few topics that, if mastered early on, can significantly accelerate your learning and make your life easier in the long term.


Tips on Learning a New Language Fast and Conquering Your Study Goals


One of the most satisfying and stimulating skills we may learn is learning a new language, so why is it so challenging? Why can’t you have a simple conversation if you take a language class in school?

Here are a few strategies for learning a language quickly since you don’t want to waste another seven years learning it incorrectly.


Make Using Your Target Language Unavoidable

If you offer yourself the option of employing your linguistic abilities, you probably won’t. Our brain will automatically select the straightforward option that requires little consideration. Put yourself in an environment where growth is likely to occur if you want to advance quickly.

We can achieve this by:

  1. switching to the language, you’re learning on your phone or social media
  2. Choosing to devote time to a language group
  3. locating a conversational ally
  4. You can use visual clues by tapping a list of new terms on your kitchen and bathroom walls.
  5. Designing your home so that the language is all around you

Study with Entertaining and Fun Resources

Bring in some materials that you genuinely enjoy using to make studying enjoyable.

The most entertaining resources for learning a language are movies, TV series, podcasts, and online videos for native speakers. Consider all of the idioms, common phrases, and vocabulary words you can find. In addition to being fascinating, they immerse you in the culture (various languages, for instance, may have different ways of expressing comedy).

Get Plenty of Comprehensible Input

Input that is understandable but slightly beyond your level because it contains some vocabulary or grammar rules you are unfamiliar with is called comprehensible input.

One of the most well-known theories in linguistics states that learning comprehensible input is the key to learning and mastering a language. It may come as a surprise, but the key to learning a language quickly is to consume a lot of comprehensible input, particularly at first.

The more understandable the input you study, the more natural the language will seem until you can reason quickly in your target language.

Concentrate on the Most Frequently Used Expressions and Words

The conventional strategy focuses on word memorization and “textbook learning.” This may increase your vocabulary, but it won’t help you much when using the language in practice. Learning a new language does not follow a set procedure. It necessitates quick thinking and flexibility. You might want to focus on things other than words unless you want to sound like a robot.

Plan and organize your education by concentrating on what matters. While vocabulary is crucial, learning a new language requires a more comprehensive approach. Work from the words, phrases, and expressions that will give you the most significant return on your investment. Start with simple, everyday subjects and work your way up from there.


Learn more with Younkers

You have it now! You ought to have a solid basis to build upon after understanding these few topics. It’s quite challenging to acquire terms from context when the language is absolutely foreign to you. However, you can start making associations once you have sufficient word knowledge. To be proficient, you still need to study hundreds of words, but once you get going, you’ll notice that it gets less difficult. Always remember to set small, attainable goals each day and to persevere. You’ll find the much-needed drive to keep going and the assurance that you’ll succeed in your language-learning endeavor when you reap the benefits of everyday consistency. Good luck!

Younkers has developed a fantastic language-learning approach by fusing all we’ve learned from years of research and language learning.


[ November 4, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Relax with this chair yoga flow and de-stress instantly

Yoga poses are modified to perform sitting in a chair; a practice is called chair yoga. With these modifications, yoga can be accessible to those who are unable to stand, are unable to move quickly between standing, seated, and prone positions, or need a quick break from their daily routine.

It is still possible to perform many postures using the same basic body mechanics. It is possible to twist, stretch, bend forward, and make mild backbends while sitting on chairs. Aside from getting a good stretch, chair yoga can benefit participants in various ways, including improving muscle tone and breathing habits and decreasing stress, sleep, and overall wellness.


The Best Chair for Yoga

Because chair yoga is a form of adaptability, the chair you use shouldn’t matter; you don’t need to buy a specialized yoga chair. It is not recommended to use chairs with wheels as they are unstable, but most other chairs will work. To give yourself a firm foundation, place blocks or a folded yoga mat under your feet if you are short.

Here is a few Chair yoga poses you can do from the comfort of your chair.


Chair Extended Side Angle – Utthita Parsvakonasana

Touch the floor with your left fingertips on the outside of your left foot. Place a block under your left hand or on your left knee if it is difficult to reach the floor with your left hand.

Taking a deep breath, twist your chest to the right, bringing your right arm up and gazing up at the ceiling as you exhale. You are in an extended side-angle pose from a chair. Take several deep breaths here. As you exhale, lower your right arm.

You can do the same by lowering your right arm and raising your left arm.


Chair Pigeon – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Keeping your left knee aligned with your ankle, rest your right ankle on your left thigh. Take three to five deep breaths while holding this chair pigeon.

The stretch can be intensified by forward bending. Do the same with your left leg.


Chair Eagle – Garudasana

The Eagle pose involves crossing your right thigh over your left thigh. Put your right foot around your left calf as tightly as you can.

At the elbow, cross your left arm over your right arm. The palms of your hands should touch as you bend the elbows.

Drop your shoulders away from your ears while lifting your elbows. Breathe in and out three to five times.

Continue on the other side as well.


Reverse Warrior

As you inhale, let the left arm come down the left leg and the right arm rise up to the ceiling. Take three deep breaths.

Before sitting sideways on the chair facing left, bring both legs to the front and practice the three warrior poses on the left side.


Final Relaxation: Chair Savasana

Close your eyes and place your hands in your lap at the end of your practice. As you sit in savasana, the positive effects of the poses you have completed will begin to penetrate your body.


On days when your inbox is packed to the brim, your MIL won’t stop bugging you about that family trip you were supposed to book weeks ago, and you can’t stop reaching for the bowl of chocolate; there’s hope.

Yoga can help you stretch and unwind if you practice it correctly. Your stress will melt away with these five easy yoga moves so, you can join best yoga classes online at Younkers. What’s even better? The exercises can be done in the comfort of your chair.


[ October 16, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

Reasons why cooking is considered an ideal hobby

Cooking can be considered an art just like any other activity which requires skills and expertise. In this new age busy world, people don’t really have the time to cook at home and hence end up buying food at restaurants or street shops. This practice of buying food daily from outside is not good for your health.


Love to Cook???


Consider cooking as a hobby and then Imagine having your favourite people around you, enjoying food that you’ve made from scratch. Isn’t that the most wholesome feeling? Once you find the right way to do it and the one that works best for you, Cooking can be a great hobby.

Here are some reasons why you should take up cooking as a hobby:


  1. Helps in staying Healthy: One of the best things about preparing your own meals is that you can stay healthy by avoiding the purchase of outside food daily. We can make sure that there are no preservatives or hidden fillers that are often included in ready-made dishes. Healthier choices such as incorporating less salt, substituting meats for vegetables and so forth, in our daily meals becomes easy once you start preparing your own meals.
  2. It is an important life skill: It should be the responsibility of schools to impart knowledge to the students to make them lead successful independent lives once they are done with schooling. It is not just for girls to cook. In today’s era, where everyone demands equality, cooking is a skill every person should learn. Some schools have started life skills period to teach students at least the basics of cooking and teach them easy recipes.
  3. Brings family together: Everyone loves a good home cooked meal. It’s important for older people to meet their family members as they might feel lonely. Cooking is a hobby many old people continue doing selflessly for their families. Sometimes Cooking even becomes a family activity. Children can be taught the ingredients and can even help in setting up the table. Another way of engaging them is by asking them to read out the recipe to the one who’s cooking. Food encourages talk and positivity.
  4. Saves money: There is no guarantee that each meal you cook will always be cheaper in comparison to a restaurant or store-bought food, it will always end up saving you money in the long run. This is because the money you spend in buying ingredients can be used multiple times at home to cook different meals. Whereas using the money, you’ll be able to purchase only a single meal. One can also save by bringing home-cooked leftovers to work instead of eating out for lunch.
  5. Confidence Booster and improves creativity: A person lacking confidence should definitely try cooking. Perfecting several different recipes from across the world gives you a chance to prove yourselves. This even helps you to showcase your “work” to friends and family. Cooking isn’t an easy task, itis a challenge. All it requires is some courage and determination to learn and a love for food.
  6. Create individual identity: If you cook well, then you get lot of appreciation that boost up your confidence. Hence, cooking helps in boosting up the confidence and improves your social presence. Many famous chefs choose cooking as their hobby and later ended up pursing cooking as their career.

 Hence, learning to cook is a very rewarding activity which everyone must learn. It helps you become and feel like a better person. One can join hobby classes to master this skill.

So, let’s get started with our online hobby classes!

[ September 28, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

A Journey From Hobby To Career

Are you tired of your monotonous 9-5 job and looking forward to following your passion?


The desire to love your job may be, in some cases, the result of luck, but in others may be the result of necessity, convenience, or even the lure of a large salary.

“What do you love to do?”

The answers of a majority of people to this question will be “OUR HOBBIES.” If you are one of them, it might be time to switch your hobbies to a full-time career.

Transitioning your after-hour hobby to your full-time grind is not an easy task. So before landing with both feet, consider the following things.


Ask Yourself, “WHY?”

Why are you looking forward to this transition? Is it just because your boss overloaded you with work this weekend, and you want to resign? Or because you want an income without an effort? Or is it because you are genuinely passionate about it?

You need to understand that this path will be full of challenges. Hence if you are willing to put your heart and soul into it, you should reconsider taking such a big step on your career path.


Ask yourself if you will still enjoy your hobby

Once you turn into a professional, your hobby won’t remain your hobby anymore. The responsibilities and expectations that come with a job are different. The activity you use as an escape will become an obligation.

If you are nervous about making your hobby a job or are concerned that doing so might erode your passion for it, you might want to keep it as a hobby.


Is your hobby or passion a reflection of a value you hold dear?

Though your job can fulfill your needs, the values truly complete your life. So it is crucial to determine whether your hobbies or passion are aligned with your deep-seated values.


Are you persistent enough to realize your dreams?

As we enjoy our favorite pastimes, we love to daydream and imagine what might have been. A massive dose of persistence is needed daily to turn your dreams into reality. So ensure that you have the level of dedication that is required in the journey.


Be ready to face criticism.

Your friends, family, significant other, and children will give you opinions and advice about your endeavors. Making your hobby into your career can involve dealing with positive and negative feedback.


What are your chances of making money?

Income is one of the essential aspects of the transition. Majority of people stuck to a job for financial stability. Is your hobby going to generate enough income for you to survive? What steps can you take if that is not the case, and what might you be able to do to keep yourself and your family afloat?

A financial advisor, an accountant, or a family member can help you solve this problem. You must consult someone who can guide you to understand your alternatives and probable growth prospects better.


Train Yourself

Hobbies do not require you to be an expert, but a career does. Once you have made up your mind to switch your career path to something you love, it is necessary for you to acquire the skill set required to enter the market. Hence start working on improving yourself.


So these are a few tips you must keep in mind before moving towards the life you are passionate about.

If you are still confused about what you love to do, we are here for you. We provide you with hobby class facilities so that you can decide what to pursue. We provide special training and counseling sessions for you to understand what is best for you.

[ September 16, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

5 reasons that show Yoga and Spirituality are co-related to each other

Yoga is a form of exercise that helps you cleanse the body and mind in the spiritual sense. One can get rid of stress and negative impressions that could have accumulated in the mind in the past. Activities like Pranayama are good for calming the mind. The added benefits of Yoga are improvement in your balance and flexibility and it will make you healthy.






Here are the reasons why yoga is defined as a science and as a system of knowledge:

  1. Methodical: Yoga requires a procedure or a method that needs to be followed
  2. Based on evidence: The experiences that come with Yoga validate the methods
  3. Repeatable: For anyone who follows the procedure, the evidence is the same


Spirituality can give a person the strength to manage stressful situations. When Spirituality and Yoga are combined, inner peace travels outwards. You reach a point where you can understand, emit, and learn to receive the feelings like sharing, caring and love. One will get rid of your mental and physical fatigue at once.


One of the best ways to explore your core and consciousness is when you combine yoga and spirituality. As a result of this, one can find that ever-eluding peace of mind. The practice of yoga and meditation have proved to be a powerful combination and many enthusiasts practice it simultaneously by rounding their yoga routine with meditation. Spirituality gives a sense of inner strength to manage difficult situations and to keep smiling.

Today, everyone is advertising Yoga with an incredibly long list of benefits, but the real strength is this deep purpose of yoga is the ability to reunite oneself with their higher self. It is a way through which your body, breath and mind align and bring unparalleled clarity and peace of mind to you.


Cleaning comes as an indirect feature of Yoga. A messy environment can stress the mind. It’s not only about cleaning but also decluttering the environment. This requires you to follow the process of throwing away anything that isn’t of your use or if it doesn’t make you happy. This process, in a way, is a process to relax you and help you feel more confident, energized, motivated and so on. Once you start feeling this way, spirituality will come to you with more ease than ever.

Yoga needs to be practised regularly and it requires one to seek to become aware of the spirit, energy and spirituality. A person’s spirit is their consciousness and their driving force. If you are aware of this strong energy, you are on the right track.

Let go of all control. Spirituality isn’t a track to arrive you to where you want to go rather it always leads you where you need to go. Yoga, on the other hand, isn’t a tool to get rich, find love or get a better job. It will lead you to the path of realisation that there is no such thing in life as the perfect day or a perfect life in general. Problems will always exist and many people around you will be rude, angry or hateful. It teaches you to hang on to your positivity and remain calm.


If one isn’t able to start on their own, you can choose our yoga classes online. It is a journey your future self will thank you for. Yoga and spirituality would be the highest form of self-awareness.

[ January 25, 2022 by admin 0 Comments ]

5 Tips for English Fluency | Speak English with Fluency

You will no longer be afraid to talk and express yourself in English. You will be able to speak English with fluency. Follow our course on tips for English Fluency!

You might have come across many such advertisements on various social media handles that yell out the same ancient practices to speak English with Fluency. But have any of these courses or programs for English speaking practice helped you achieve the goal to speak English with fluency? 

I doubt they have. 

Many English learners fail to be fluent in the language because they never train themselves properly. English is just like another subject that needs attention, time and effort. 

English is an international language, and almost every industry expects you to be good at it. But, learning English doesn’t necessarily make you good to speak English with fluency. There are thousands of people who are good at writing and reading, but they mess it all up when interacting in English. 

To speak English with fluency, you must be able to think spontaneously. Aligning your thoughts with the use of appropriate words and phrases, structuring the sentences in your mind before delivering your ideas, and shooting questions with correct question tags, everything is a subset of Speak English with Fluency.

In this article, we share our 5 insane tips that will help you to speak English with Fluency and build confidence while speaking in English. 


1) Learn To Listen – Best tips for English Fluency 


You can never be a good speaker if you are not a good listener. 

"Listen to others" is the best tips for English fluency







If you want to speak English with fluency, this is essential. The more you listen, the more you will find it easier to speak English. 

Listening helps you know new words, idioms, phrases and their use in the English language. Listening also enlightens you with the correct pronunciation of complex or unfamiliar words. 

When you listen to a particular speaker time, and again, you get used to the way they speak and consequently, you start speaking more fluently and comfortably. 

You can listen to, 

  • Podcasts
  • Radio Shows
  • Music
  • Commentary
  • TV Shows, etc

You should start making this a daily ritual of your schedule. Even if you take aside 15 minutes of your routine to listen to any of the resources mentioned by us, it will do wonders for you. This is the best tip for English speaking practice.


2) Talk To Yourself & Speak English with Fluency


This is my favorite practice when it comes to improving English Fluency. People might have told you that talking with good speakers improves your language, but how does talking with yourself help?

Talk with yourself to speak english with Fluency






Oh, trust me, it will help a lot, and I will prove that. 

When you talk with yourself, you become conscious about the words you use, about the pauses, idioms, exclamations, etc., you use it for English speaking practice. This has a more significant impact on your fluency and command. 

You can practice this by standing in front of the mirror and speaking straight for a few minutes. Once you end up with this exercise, you can note down your mistakes and improvise in the next turn. 

Practicing this daily will significantly help you to speak English with fluency and make you a better speaker.


3) Tongue Twisters


Tongue Twisters are one of the most fun-loving tips for English fluency. Tongue Twisters are a great way to improve flow and speed. 

You might be good at speaking English, but if you take a lot of pauses while speaking, it doesn’t make you fluent at it. Tongue Twisters help you to tackle this problem and help you to speak English with fluency.

It hardly takes a minute to practice a tongue twister. You can try it while traveling, while eating, while exercising, anytime, anywhere. 

We have picked some exciting tongue twisters for you: 

  • She sells seashells by the seashore
  • Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks
  • Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers
  • Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread
  • Betty Botter bought some butter

Go ahead and challenge yourself with these tongue twisters for English speaking practice.


4) Learn 5 new words daily


A fluent speaker is one who is able to use appropriate words while speaking. For using the right words, you must have a diverse vocabulary. 

Increase your Vocabulary - Best tips for English Fluency








So, to increase your vocabulary, you must learn new words. You can find words in newspaper articles, social media posts, books, etc. 

Whenever you come across a new word, search the meaning of the word and note it down in your diary. This will help you remember the words you have come across and thus add to your glossary. 

If you do this with just 5 words daily, you will have over 150 new words that you can use while speaking at the end of a month. 

These are the best tips for English fluency and to improve your vocabulary simultaneously!


5) Face Your Fear


Many people often fear speaking in public. This affects their communication and speaking skills. 

Face your English fears for English speaking practice








If you aspire to be a fluent English speaker, you must frequently go out and speak in front of people. 

You should participate in debates, elocution competitions etc. to put forward your opinions. The only way to overcome your fear is to face it and speak English with fluency.

Fluency comes when you practice this consistently daily. You must actively participate in team projects, discussions and voice your suggestions for English speaking practice.

The more you dive into such activities, the better you will be at English speaking!


These are some tips for English fluency which can help you in improving your English speech, but they are not sufficient. 

Speak English with Fluency by practicing it daily







To be good at anything, one needs professional training and guidance. Younker Activity Hub, a co-curricular activity class, has English classes which will not only teach you about grammar and vocabulary, but they also introduce you to pronunciations, phrases, proverbs, etc. All these are crucial aspects to speak English with fluency. 

Benefits of our English course are:

  1. Professional training and assistance 
  2. One-one interaction with the tutor for all your doubts
  3. Consistent learning approach and practical applications
  4. Multiple oratory sessions to improve fluency 
  5. Regular assignments to keep you on track with the syllabus
  6. Interactive sessions with your peers
  7. Debates, discussions, and much more

Our Younker Activity Hub courses are professionally designed to bring the most out of you!

Younker Activity Hub is a leading company providing a wide range of courses to help people learn and earn by practicing new skills.  

To know more about the course and many more, check out our website

Happy learning!!


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