Obesity is a gateway to illnesses and a leading cause of disability and death affecting females all over the world
Adverse effects of obesity on female health-

  • Increased susceptibility to diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, gall bladder disease
  • Increased tendency to develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Risk of developing cancers like postmenopausal breast cancers and endometrial cancer
  • Poor self image and mental health too

Be Fit is a unique weight loss program for females based on simple easy to follow scientific principles

What makes it unique?

The aim of the program is not only to help students loose a few kgs but inspire them to be a better version of themselves

i.e BE FIT not only be Slim and Trim

The program is based on the principles of Yoga and designed by Dr Alka Parwate, classical homoeopath with more than 15 years in practice and yoga therapist specializing in female disorders

Key features:

The program is based on 4 R’S

  • Regular exercise (In this program we teach exercises based on Ashtanga Yoga and modifications derived from the same)
  • Rightly Balanced diet— no fad diets, focus on balancing the nutrient intake and still achieve optimum results
  • Right Lifestyle—faulty lifestyles are sometimes the root cause of persistent weight gain. Correction in lifestyle helps to achieve persistent results
  • Right amount of Rest and Relaxation

In this program we do not give any Shakes or (meal replacements) Slimming medicines Or Supplements( proteins ). Also many females do not achieve persistent weight loss in spite of exercising and dietary modifications.

The reason for their weight gain in such cases is hormonal imbalance which can be corrected with Yoga therapy. For females suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes, hypothyroidism Yoga is a very useful therapy.

The enrolled students can opt to take homeopathy along with this program to help improve their health and get better results

The Be Fit program is also suited to females suffering from pcos and post delivery weight gain

PCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)-

  • It is a common hormonal disorder associated with the female reproductive system.1 in 10 females in India have been estimated to have PCOS.
  • PCOS is also known to lead to infertility if appropriate corrective action is not taken at right time.

Awareness about healthy lifestyle, dietary changes and regular exercise are known to help manage this disorder effectively. Yoga therapy is extremely effectively for the same and POST DELIVERY WEIGHT GAIN (Many females tend to gain a lot of weight with bulging bellies after delivery.

This can be easily corrected with the right regimen of exercise and diet)

We recommend our program for atleast 3 months to get persistent results.


What could you expect out of our program?

  • Weight loss by natural means ( max.around 2 kgs per month) No crash dieting
  • Higher levels of self-esteem, energy and vitality
  • Lifestyle corrections which can help a women prevent many other chronic illnesses and be fit for a lifetime
  • Practical lessons
  • Flexible timing
  • Comfort learning
  • International curriculum
  • Small batch sizes
  • Individual attention
  • Qualified faculty
  • Sharpen your hobbies
  • Unique lessons 
Why enroll with us ?
  • We help you with basics and pro learning
  • Specially designed hobby classes for childrens, housewives and working professionals
  • Offline or Online classes as per your convenience
  • Unique lessons curated by in-house experts
  • Highly qualified and well experienced Faculty
at Younker Academy Hub
Our Team
Our Team at Younker Academy Hub
Dr. Alka Parwate - Yoga Trainer at Younker Activity Hub

Dr. Alka Parwate

[ Yoga Trainer]
Language - Soumya, German Trainer at Younker Activity Hub


[German Trainer]
Riya, Katthak Trainer at Younker Activity Hub


Nikkita - Art Trainer at Younker Activity Hub


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